Portobelo, a town on the Atlantic ocean, with a naturally deep harbour this city was once the largest port in Panama. Cristopher Columbus landed near portobello in 1502 and is recorded as saying, “Que puerto bello!” From the early 16th to 18th century, Portobello was an important silver-exporting port. At one point in history, more than one-third of all the world’s gold and silver passed through this town, where it was weighed and counted in the mammoth customs house (still standing) before being shipped back to Spain. The Spanish considered Portobelo to be one of the finest harbors in the America’s.
Today Portobelo is a sleepy town with a population around a thousand people. The harbour is now home to many sail boats that make the journey between Panama and Columbia. The once immaculate forts now lie in ruins that have been overtaken but a lush forest of green vegetation. The crystal clear Caribbean waters are perfect for snorkelling and scuba diving. Beautiful jungle surrounds the town and outlining areas.
Try an official tour of Portobello with one of the many tour companies in the area. And be sure you visit the staute of “Cristo Negro!”